ATARI Coin-Op/Arcade Systems
1986 - 1989


VSRBI, Virtual Sports Runs Batted In was another of Atari's sports arcade coin-ops.    Sports games as a general rule usually do only luke warm compared to action arcade games like Asteriods, Tempest, and others.    VSRBI was a well designed baseball game with good views of the field, realistic action and good background sound effects.   All in all a very good coin-op baseball game.
Blasteroids, Atari's third version of Asteroids.  Asteroids Deluxe being the second.   Blasteroids combined excellent color shading, high speed graphics processing and excellent sound effects to create a modern and updated look and feel for the classic Atari Asteroids.   Of course, in most cases the sequels never quite live up the original and although Blasteroids was an excellent game... you can't beat the original.

Toobin was again, Atari Games return to the classic, clean and simple fun coin-op game.   You control your character riding along inside a large inner-tube down through streams, rapids and waterfalls while dodging an assortment of characters and creatures looking to bump, jump and knock you off.   Toobin was a truly full enjoyable game, right up Atari Games alley...

Skull & Crossbones, Atari Games swashbuckling  third person interactive action adventure game had a unique premise, good action and skill moves and an interest lot of rag-tag pirates, parrots and other bad-guys to go up against.

Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters.... ok, say that title 10 times straight!   Known for its unusally long name, Escape was based on a cartoon-ish premise to combined an action arcade game with a cast of characters to choose from.