Parent document is top of "Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions"
Previous document is "Introduction"
Next document is "1.1) What is an Atari 8-bit computer?"

0.1) Table of contents

 0.1) Table of contents

     Introduction to the Atari
 1.1) What is an Atari 8-bit computer?
 1.2) What can I do with an 8-bit Atari?
 1.3) What are some of the performance features of the 8-bit Atari?
 1.4) What is the internal layout of the 8-bit Atari?
 1.5) How did Atari get it's name?

     Usenet newsgroups
 2.1) What is comp.sys.atari.8bit?
 2.2) What other Usenet newsgroups cover the 8-bit Atari?

     E-Mail lists
 3.1) What is INFO-ATARI8?
 3.3) What is ATARIPL?
 3.4) What is ATARI8-L?
 3.5) What is ATARI8PL-L?

     Public Domain/Freeware/Shareware Archives
 4.0) What is XL Search?
 4.1) What is the University of Michigan Archive?
 4.3) What is the PVV Archive?
 4.4) What is the ClarkNet Archive?
 4.5) What is the Gatekeeper's Archive?
 4.6) What is the Polish Demo Archive?
 4.7) What is the Atari 8bit FTP Archive in Slovakia?

     Telnet sites
 5.1) What is the Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG?
 5.2) What is the National Capital FreeNet Atari Users SIG?
 5.3) What is the Victoria Telecommunity Network Atari Users SIG?

     World Wide Web pages
 7.1) What WWW pages support the 8-bit Atari?

     IRC channels
 8.1) What IRC channels discuss the 8-bit Atari?

     File Formats
 9.1) What's this UUEncoding stuff (.uu, .uue files) all about?
 9.2) What is an .arc file?
 9.3) What are the .DCM, .ATR, and .XFD file formats?
 9.4) What are the .XMO and .BIN file formats?
 9.5) How can I make my commercial boot disk (tape, cart) into a load file
      or disk image?
 9.6) How can I convert my commercial boot tape into a cassette image file?

     File Transfer Solutions
 11.1) What are the best terminal emulators available?
 11.2) Can I read/write 8-bit Atari disks on an IBM-PC?
 11.3) Can I read/write MS-DOS disks on an 8-bit Atari?
 11.4) How do I transfer files using a null modem cable?
 11.5) What is SIO2PC?

 12.1) What 5.25" floppy disk drives are available?
 12.2) How can I use 3.5" floppy disks with my 8-bit Atari?
 12.3) What do I need to connect a hard drive to my 8-bit Atari?
 12.4) What kinds of monitors can I use with my Atari?

     General Interest
 13.1) What's the best DOS for the Atari?
 13.2) What hardware has Atari created in the 8-bit computer line?
 13.3) What are the power-supply requirements for my Atari components?
 13.4) What are the pinouts for the...?
 13.5) What BBS software can be used on the Atari?
 13.6) What versions of Atari BASIC or the CTIA/GTIA chip do I have?
 13.7) Which versions of the Operating System (OS) are there?
 13.8) What games support 4 simultaneous players on the 400/800?
 13.9) Why should I disconnect the 810/1050 power supply before connecting or
       disconnecting SIO cables?
 13.10) What is Omnimon?
 13.11) What is the difference between NTSC and PAL machines?
 13.12) Is the software for the Atari 8-bit computers "TV-standard dependent?"
 13.13) What programming languages are available for the Atari?
 13.14) What is the Atari XEP80 Interface Module?
 13.15) What makes some XL/XE software incompatible with the 400/800?
 13.16) What games run only on the 400 and 800 models?
 13.17) How do I type a tilde (common character in Web URL's) on my Atari?

     Other FAQ Lists for the 8-bit Atari
 14.1) What vendors, developers, or publishers support the 8-bit Atari?
 14.2) Where is my nearest 8-bit Atari BBS?
 14.3) Where is my nearest 8-bit Atari user group?
 14.4) I'm new to the Atari.  How do I use this thing?
 14.5) Can I use an emulator to run my old Atari software on my new computer?
 14.6) What hardware upgrades, modifications and add-ons are available?
 14.7) What is the HARD-Interlacing-Picture (HIP) format?
 14.8) How do I access Usenet, FTP, Gopher, and WWW by e-mail?

Reader-suggested topics, unwritten as yet: (volunteers?!)
   How fast of a modem can my Atari display keep up with?
	-with UltraSpeed roms?
	-with XEP-80
	-with any particular terminal program

   Video Upgrades
	-Adding chroma\lumi to 800XL

   What is APE?

Parent document is top of "Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions"
Previous document is "Introduction"
Next document is "1.1) What is an Atari 8-bit computer?"