Atari, seeing Education as a key element for its computer line and other area's of it company would devote programming resources, hardware designs and staff to this purpose.
The Atari 400/800 line's first program was the Educational Master Cartridge CXL-4001 and its line of Talk & Teach cassette packages teaching math, sciences, geography and many other area's of education.
Atari's 410 cassette recorder had the unique feature of being able to load program data into the Atari computer while also playing an audio track.
Atari would expand on this feature with other programs like States & Capitals, Conversational French, German, & Spanish.
Meanwhile Atari established the Atari Institute for Educational Learning to assist schools and students with computer equipment, grants and assistance in discovering better ways of teaching and learning.
Atari would expand this with its Computer Camps where kids could do all the great things associated with going to Summer Camp, but add to this classes in learning basic computer skills and programming. |