The Atari PC-1


Comparision Chart
OCR'd by Curt Vendel, AHS 1998

ATARI PC-1 IBM XT Bluechip PC600 Franklin VPC Victor 110 Amstrad 1512
CPU 8088 8088 8088 8088 8086 8086
Main Processor 4.77/8.0 MHz 4.77 MHz 4.77 MHz 4.77 MHz 4.77 MHz 8.0 MHz
CoProcessor Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Standard Memory 512K 256K 512K 512K 640K 512K
Expandable to 640K 640K 640K 640K 640K 640K
Dedicated Display RAM 256K 64K N/A 4K N/A 64K
Mass Storage
51/4" Disk Drive(s) 1 1 1 2 1 1
Capacity 360K 360K 360K 360K 360K 360K
Video Display
EGA Yes No No No No Yes
CGA Yes No No Yes No Yes
Monochrome Yes No No Yes No No
Hercules Yes No No No Yes Yes
Mono Screen Max Resolution 720 x 348 640 x 200 640 x 200 640 x 200 640 x 200 640 x 200
Color Screen Max Resolution 640 x 350 640 x 200 640 x 200 640 x 200 640 x 200 640 x 200
Color Palette 64 16 16 16 16 16
Max on Screen 16 4 4 4 4 16
Parallel Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
RS232 Serial Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mouse Port Yes No No No No Yes
Mouse Yes No No No No Yes
Number of Keys 84 84 84 84 84 84

The ATARI PC Advantages:

1. The ATARI PC is the best value in IBM PC clones.
2. Higher speed (8 MHz vs. 4.77 MHz) dramatically improves performance, while the switchable feature allows the ATARI PC to run software that is CPU speed    dependent.
3. Through custom IC's, the ATARI PC provides EGA, CGA, Hercules, and monochrome capability without costly and confusing additions.
4. The 256K dedicated display RAM makes the entire 512K of system RAM available for programs.
5. Includes mouse and built-in mouse port.
6. Sold and supported by Atari Corporation, a multi-national corporation with a successful history
in personal computers.
7. Flooring available through Borg Warner and ITT for computer specialty dealers.

ATARI is a registered trademark of Atari Corporation.  Amstrad is a registered trademark and 1512 is a trademark of Amstrad Consumer Electronics pic.  Bluechip is a registered trademark of Blue Chip Electronics Incorporated.  Franklin and PC6000 are trademarks of Franklin Computer Corporation.  Hercules is a registered trademark of Hercules ComputerTechnology, Inc.  IBM is a registered trademark and XT is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Lotus and 1-2-3 are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation.  Victor and VPC 11 are registered trademarks of Victor Technologies.   ATARI & ATARI PC (c) 1987, Atari Corporation.
All rights reserved.

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