Parallel/Serial Card - Specs/Schematics & ROM
Atari 1090 XL
Expansion Cards
Atari 1090 "SPC" Expansion Card
(Serial/Parallel Card)
Atari 1090 Serial/Parallel Card. One of the very
first boards to be released for the Atari 1090 XL Expansion System. This
was a "device card" which meant it had to have a Device ID setup on it. There is
a Device ID dial on the board and it would be set from 1 to 8. Interesting backstory of the Parellel/Serial card: it was not developed in-house by Atari.
Rather it was contracted to an outside developer - his name is Joe Decuir. Does
the name sound familar? Well it should, Joe helped develop the TIA chip in the
Atari 2600 and helped develop the ANTIC chip in the Atari 400/800 and was part
of the 400/800 design team. He was contracted to develop this
Parallel/Serial card for the 1090. The Atari Musuem would also like to thank Joe
for the loan of the card so it could be photographed and its ROM and PAL chips
dumped for posting up.
Are you a former Atari engineer?
Did you work on the 1090 or have direct knowledge of this project?
Please contact the Atari Museum: